Friday, January 17

Help Save Our Beloved Neighborhood! Tell Gale Brewer to Just Say No to ANY Rezoning!


We are calling on ALL past and present residents of East Harlem/El Barrio and our affordable housing allies to JOIN US in objecting to the City’s plan to gentrify OUR neighborhood.  The Mayor and the Speaker’s proposed rezoning plans are both MIDDLE-CLASS housing plan that does not reflect OUR needs.

  • 30% AMI ($32,000) means ZERO new housing for low-income and homeless East Harlemites.
  • UP-zoning to allow 30-35 story, market-rate buildings will destroy the very fabric of what has historically been an affordable community serving immigrants and low-income people of color.
  • East Harlem residents will lose their precious cultural legacy and political leverage if the City’s racist rezoning plan is approved.

We especially need your presence and solidarity at Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer’s Public Hearing on East Harlem Rezoning –  Thursday, July 13 at 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Silberman School of Social Work, 2180 3rd Avenue @ 119th Street. 
Come to the hearing and demand that Borough President Brewer do the right thing and just say NO to ANY rezoning!  Click here to register to speak. If you can’t attend the hearing:
CALL: Borough President Brewer at 212-531-1609 and/or NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito at 212-828-9800 and/or City Hall at 212-NEW-YORK
TWEET: @Galeabrewer and @MMViverito and @NYCMayor @BilldeBlasio
EMAIL: [email protected] and [email protected] and Mayor de Blasio and tell them to STOP THE RACIST REZONINGS!


Help Save Our Beloved Neighborhood! Tell Gale Brewer to Just Say No to ANY Rezoning!

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