Friday, January 17

Spirit of East Harlem Mural Defaced; Call for Community Action and Cultural Education Campaign


img_0935sm450During the early hours of June 13, one of El Barrio’s s most famous outdoor artworks, the Spirit of East Harlem mural, was mysteriously defaced. The landmark painting has significant historical roots in Spanish Harlem and has served as a cultural attraction for thousands of students and tourists from around the country and the world.

Commissioned by Hope Community, Inc. in 1978, the four-story mural was created by Hank Prussing and featured local residents engaging in everyday activities. Artist Manny Vega, who’d served as Prussing’s apprentice, restored the badly weathered painting in the mid-1990s.
Manny Vega’s internationally acclaimed Julia de Burgos mosaic on East 106th Street does not appear to have been defaced, nor have any works by artist James de la Vega.
East Harlem Preservation has reached out to local artists and cultural organizations to engage in a public forum to highlight the importance of preserving local artwork.